UK Based Travel & Disabled Blogger


What I’ve Loved In May

May has been a busy month with lots of gig and celebrations. There has also been some downtime, which has been nice. I’m looking forward to seeing what June has in store, but for now, here is what I’ve loved in May.


We love Manchester. The more we visit the more we enjoy it. Its one of our favourite UK cities to visit for gigs, which is usually our main reason for visiting. We’ve also had some pretty awesome vegan food each time we have visited Manchester. We randomly stumbled across a vegan shop and cafe, selling lots of great vegan options. Another two trips are already planned for Manchester this year. This time we stayed at the super lovely Crowne Plaza on Oxford Road. It was in a great location and our accessible room gave us amazing views across the city. The sunset was stunning. My hotel review will be coming very soon so stay tuned for all the details.

Sunset across Manchester from our hotel room window.
Sunset across Manchester from our hotel room window.

TV Show

We haven’t been watching any new TV shows this month, but we did watch an amazing documentary called Last Breath. It was on BBC at the beginning of the month. I highly recommend you give it a watch. It follows the story of a diver trapped on the bottom of the North Sea. We sat gripped to the TV. We couldn’t believe this was real life. It was way more shocking than any thriller movie we’ve watched in a long time.

There was a system failure on the dive support vessel which results in saturation diver, Chris getting stranded on the seabed with only five minutes of oxygen. There is no chance of rescue for more than thirty minutes. Honestly, this is nail-biting viewing. Bear in mind its pitch dark at the bottom of the north sea, so he is basically lost while his crew frantically try to find and rescue him.

I won’t tell you anymore, but please go and watch it then let me know what you think. You can watch it here.

Documentary cover shot showing a saturation diver laying on the bottom of the North Sea with the words 'Last Breath'.
Image courtesy of BBC

Nephew birthday

My nephew turned six this month. I know its so typical to say, but I honestly can’t believe he is six already. I remember going to see him for the first time in hospital and it doesn’t seem that long ago. It’s been the best six years having him in our lives and watching him grow up. He has brought us so much love and happiness. My friend Claire made him a fantastic Power Rangers birthday cake (thanks again Claire), which he was absolutely over the moon by. Ever since his first birthday, we have taken him to Five Sisters Zoo, so it has now become somewhat of a tradition each year. We enjoyed another trip there this month. It’s great looking back at photos from the previous trips there to see how much he has grown.

Emma is sitting in her wheelchair while her nephew is standing on her footplates. He is peering over the fence to look at the meerkats.
Emma and her nephew watching the meerkats.


May has been the best month of the year for gigs. We have been to three gigs and all three have been fantastic. The first was Dermot Kennedy at Albert Hall in Manchester. I’m so excited to share my review of this venue as it was absolutely AMAZING. Accessibility and the staff were top class. We have been wanting to see Dermot Kennedy for such a long time so to finally see him in this beautiful venue will forever be one of my favourite ever gigs. Next up was Maren Morris at O2 Academy in Glasgow. This was our second time seeing Maren and she just gets better and better. The following night we were back in Glasgow for Kip Moore at the Old Fruitmarket for an intimate acoustic night. We were sat in the front row so it felt very special. I can’t wait to share all three gig reviews soon.

Dermot Kennedy on stage at the Albert Hall in Manchester
Dermot Kennedy on stage at the Albert Hall in Manchester

Long walks

At the beginning of the month, I took some time off work. For the first time in a long time, we didn’t have any plans involving travel. Surprisingly it was quite nice to have some time at home. We enjoyed a few nice walks around our area and some walks with Toby the dog. One of the walks was to Blackness Castle which we decided to film. We met an adorable old dog at the beach and then we got attacked by flies. You can watch it all on my YouTube channel here.

Emma sitting in her wheelchair on the grass with a large tree beside her. The sky is blue with white fluffy clouds.
Emma enjoying time off with nice long strolls.


My favourite photo for this month is one we took in Manchester while wandering around before heading to the Dermot Kennedy gig. Each time I see ‘No Parking’ signs I have a strong urge to pose in front of them. Maybe it’s the rebel in me. Parking controls can’t stop me parking my wheelchair anywhere. Haha.

Emma is sitting in her wheelchair next to wooden gate and wall. The wall has the words 'No Parking' sprayed on them. Emma is looking mischievous because she is sitting in her wheelchair at a no parking sign.
Emma rebelling against parking controls.

What did you love in May? Anything you’re looking forward to in June?

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Meet Emma

Hello I’m Emma. My mission is to show you the possibilities of accessible travel through my travel guides, tips and reviews. I also share personal stories, live event reviews and more.

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2 Responses

  1. Thanks for the recommendation of *Last Breath*! We just watched it tonight, a little to my husband’s chagrin. He’d wanted to sleep, but couldn’t stop watching the movie until he knew…well, what happened. Nail-biting, for sure! I think it must be so difficult to do documentaries that really are gripping and exciting. This one puts me in mind of *Touching the Void*. I crave stories like these in filmmaking!

    (Note to Hollywood: More movies like this, please and thank you.)

    1. Thanks for your comment Heather. I am thrilled you gave Last Breath a watch and that you enjoyed it. It really is nail-biting viewing isn’t it? We were gripped the entire time. I’ll have to give ‘Touching the Void’ a try now. Thanks for the suggestion 🙂

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