UK Based Travel & Disabled Blogger


What I’ve Loved In April

Wow! April has been a quick month, don’t you think? May is already shaping up to be a busy month, but before this month bites the dust, I’d like to share a few favourites and what I’ve loved in April. 

Fun In The Sun

The weather last weekend was unseasonably warm. The spring heatwave had everyone outside enjoying the Easter sunshine. While we didn’t do very much over that weekend we did enjoy a little bit of time with our nephews which was lovely. On Saturday we took our nephew to feed some horses in a local field. My nephew always loves going to see the horses and it has been something we’ve done with him since he was about one year old. It was funny and a little strange when a Facebook memory popped up showing us that we did the exact same thing four years ago on the exact same day. Spooky!

Allan and Emma's nephew feeding horses in a field.Then on Monday, we took our nephew through to Queens Park in Glasgow to meet up with Allan’s mum and our other nephew. It was great to see the two boys playing together in the park especially as they don’t see each other very often. They both had their scooters, played in the play park and kicked the ball about. They had a brilliant time.

Emma's two nephews walking alongside pond in the park during a sunny day.

‘A Life With Elephants’ with Saba Douglas Hamilton

A few weeks ago I stumbled across a TV show on BBC Two called ‘The Wild Life’. Each day after work I would sit and watch it while I was having my daily physio/stretches done. It followed wildlife expert Saba Douglas-Hamilton, her husband and three young daughters as they moved to the Samburu National Reserve in Kenya to run a safari camp, Elephant Watch. I recognised Saba from watching her in the ‘Big Cat Diary’ years ago – another wildlife show I loved watching.

Saba’s father founded the charity, Save The Elephants and Saba’s husband is now the CEO. The show follows their lives and the many elephant families living in the Samburu National Reserve. After a few days of watching the show, I began Googling more about Saba and the charity. I was so happy to see Saba was doing a UK tour. I booked tickets on Friday and the show was on the following Tuesday at The Mitchell Library in Glasgow (review coming soon).

Saba Douglas Hamilton on stage at The Mitchell Library in Glasgow. She is wearing a red dress and the projector screen behind her is showing elephants.It was incredibly interesting to listen to Saba talk about her life/work in Africa and elephant conservation. I sat the entire time fascinated by her stories, which were funny, heartbreaking, inspirational and at times scary. They are doing such amazing work for the protection of elephants. It was a fantastic night and I’d love to go to more talks like that.

Slowing Down

I’m taking two weeks off and usually we would have a trip abroad booked for this time of year. This year we don’t have anything planned as such and usually, we would be freaking out at the thought of ‘wasting two weeks off’ and not doing anything with them. Instead, we are going to slow things down a little, enjoy some time at home and hopefully do more things and days out locally. I’m looking forward to taking it easy and resting a bit more too.

Emma sitting in her wheelchair looking across the pond in Queen's Park.


It’s been a while since I featured a favourite photo of the month and as soon as this one was taken it became one of my all-time favourites. It’s me and my nephew while out on a walk recently. We stopped to watch some swans in the lake and my nephew stood beside me and put his arm across my shoulder. Every time I look at this photo it makes me smile. I absolutely love it. To me, it shows pure love and it makes me super proud to see him grow up to be caring, kind, compassionate and unfazed by disability.

Emma and her nephew looking across a lake while her nephew has his arm across her shoulder.

Having A Declutter

Not the most exciting thing to do, but at the beginning of the month I had a wardrobe clear out, declutter and reorganisation. There were clothes that I’ve had for a long time and never worn but for some reason could never bring myself to get rid of. This time, I got ruthless and it felt good. I ended up with a big bag full of clothes that I donated to charity. For the clothes that I really like but never wear for whatever reason, they went into the ‘maybe’ pile.

Emma is in a supermarket. She is wearing a blue and orange stripey cardigan with a blue and white top.I’ve been working my way through that pile at the weekends, trying to wear different things together and if I actually like wearing them then I’ll move them out of the ‘maybe’ pile. It seems to be working so far. My wardrobe is looking so much better and I’ve not been tempted to buy new clothes to fill the empty spaces. My goal is to have a capsule wardrobe….maybe one day!

What did you love in April? Anything you’re looking forward to in May?

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Meet Emma

Hi, I’m Emma! I'm an award-winning accessible travel and disability blogger, writer and content creator. My mission is to show you the possibilities of accessible travel through my travel guides, tips and reviews. I also share personal stories, live event reviews and more.

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4 Responses

    1. Hi Chris. Thanks for your comment – you have asked me this same question over several months on my blog and social media which I have answered each time. I believe I sent you a full response in a reply to a Facebook message you also sent, if you want to refer back to that. Thank you.

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