UK Based Travel & Disabled Blogger


Things I’ve Loved In October

Happy 1st of November everyone! Can you believe it’s November already? I can’t. I know we all keep saying it, but 2020 really has been the quickest year ever. Who knew we’d all still be in some form of lockdown after all these months? As we head into tighter restrictions once again, I thought I’d share some of the things I loved in October. I’d love to read what you’ve been loving lately so please let me know below in the comments.


Our tuxedo kittens are five months old now. It amazes me how fast they are growing, but it has been lovely watching them grow in size and personality. They both have amazing characters with the sweetest attitudes. They were recently spayed, which has been an adventure, to say the least.

We’ve never had two cats at the same time so we were worried about how they’d be with each other wounds. Thankfully we didn’t have to worry about that as they haven’t bothered with the wounds or stitches at all.

Three selfies of Emma with fresh plaits in her hair and wearing black rim glasses. Next to her is her black and white kitten wearing a red surgical pet suit. The kitten is looking straight into the camera in two photos and in the third, kissing Emma's nose.

The vet put surgical pet suits on them after the operation to prevent them from licking the wounds. Arlo somehow managed to escape her suit after two days and we are still baffled at how she managed it. We kept Willow’s on for a few more days until we couldn’t face seeing her so miserable. She was depressed and it was awful seeing her like that.

Her whole mood changed as soon as it came off. She was back to her usual self again. The real adventure and struggle have been making sure they don’t jump or get too rough with each other though. The light at the end of the tunnel is in sight now as we are two weeks post-op and they are doing great. 


There has been a mixture of old and new music favourites this month. You may remember LANY featured in some of the previous things I’ve loved posts, and I’m delighted they’re back with their brand new album ‘Mama’s Boy’. I have also managed to grab tickets for their upcoming UK tour. It may not be until late next year but I’m happy to finally (hopefully all going well with Covid) see them live. We’ve really been missing gigs this year. A new favourite is Sam Fischer whose EP has been getting regularly played.

I’ve also found myself enjoying orchestra music lately. I find it calming when I’m working. The Cinematic Chillout soundtrack on Spotify and a few similar albums have been my go-to while writing and working. Even the Home Alone soundtrack has been great to listen to even though it’s not Christmas. John Williams is a fantastic composer who has not only composed music for Home Alone but many of the most popular and critically acclaimed film scores including the Jurassic Park films, Jaws, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, the Star Wars saga, the Harry Potter films and many many more.

And the kittens have also been getting to enjoy their favourites. I put baby lullaby songs on if they are getting a little too boisterous and need to calm down. It works as a treat and helps them fall asleep.


Much like my music favourites, I’ve also been enjoying some old and new movies this month. I finally got around to watching the new Aladdin and Lady and the Tramp on Disney Plus. It was the perfect Sunday afternoon relaxing in bed and watching them especially when I was trying to take it easy while experiencing muscle fatigue. This past week on the lead-up to Halloween, Allan and I watched a film every night that was either a thriller or horror. It was fun!

The Karate Kid movie poster

At the beginning of the month, we also rewatched all the Karate Kid movies. They are classics and it had to be done in preparation for watching Cobra Kai which is a comedy-drama TV series based on The Karate Kid film series (more on that below). We really enjoyed rewatching old favourites like The Hitcher and He’s Out There. A new film that we watched was ‘The Lie’ on Amazon Prime and it was so good. It wasn’t what I expected, but in a good way and the twist at the end was brilliant.

TV shows

You know we love good TV series and documentaries so this month we managed to watch a few good ones. First up is the Karate Kid series, Cobra Kai. This TV series is set thirty-four years later and has the same actors as the movies (except Mr Miyagi). As big fans of Karate Kid, we really enjoyed watching what the characters are getting up to now. The third season is being released in early 2021 and I can’t wait especially as season two ended in a cliffhanger.

Cobra Kai poster

Allan and I mostly watch TV and movies together, but one TV series I watched solo was Emily in Paris. It wasn’t his cup of tea. I found it light-hearted and easy to watch. I loved that it was filmed mainly in Paris because it reminded me of being there and how beautiful it is.

Read more: Top 4 Wheelchair Accessible Things to do in Paris
Read more: Another Paris | The Wheelchair Accessible tourist train tour

Simply Emma Anniversary 

If you follow me on social media then you will have seen that simply Emma turned six on 19th October. Although, I wasn’t really blogging much in the first year. I consider it five years but technically six. I honestly can’t believe I’ve been on this blogging journey for six years. Times certainly flies, doesn’t it? It’s nice to look back and I’m forever grateful for all the amazing opportunities and experiences my blog has given me. Being part of campaigns, and press trips and using my experiences to raise awareness and challenge misconceptions around disability. 

Emma in her wheelchair sitting next to three accessible travel blogger friends in Portugal with a beach behind them.
Emma with Blandine, John Morris and Sanna (taken during a press trip to Portugal)

I’ve also met so many amazing people who have become great friends and I love the ‘Simply Emma’ community – you guys are the BEST. THANK YOU!! I appreciate every single person who takes the time to read my blog, follow me online, comment, like and share my posts, message/email and share their experiences with me. It honestly means the world to me. Thank you. Here’s to the next six years of Simply Emma! I hope you will come along with me.

Day Out

Going out seems so last year. Oh wait, it is! 2020 hasn’t been the most adventurous year compared to our usual daily lives but personally, we are in no rush just yet. Not going to lie, we are missing travelling, going to gigs and enjoying weekend trips away. For now, we continue to be content and shield at home.

Emma sitting in her wheelchair with Loch Venachar behind her. Hills and trees are also in the background.

However, we did enjoy a drive out to Loch Venachar near Callandar, which is always a favourite spot of ours. We parked up next to the loch and enjoyed the view. There was no one around which was perfect for us. It was good to make the most of the dry day since the cold and wet weather is here now. 

Read: An Autumnal Lochside Drive With Emma

What have you loved in the past few months? What are you looking forward to?

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Meet Emma

Hi, I’m Emma! I'm an award-winning accessible travel and disability blogger, writer and content creator. My mission is to show you the possibilities of accessible travel through my travel guides, tips and reviews. I also share personal stories, live event reviews and more.

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